Happy Mother's Day to all you brave folk who have
decided to bear children. You are inspiring and
maybe just a little bit nutty. I love a good behaved
child as much as the next guy, but labor pains and
incontinence....? uh pass please. As I was saying,
I am not brave enough to en-bark on such a journey, but
Kudos to all the mother's out there and especially mine!
This is my favorite quote from my mother this week....
Colleen: how are finals?
Candace: uhh same old same old, they suck
Colleen: so, do you think you passed?
Candace: well that test was really hard and you never
leave a law school exam feeling all warm and fuzzy
Colleen: Ok, well how about we just assume you flunk until we hear otherwise?
Candace: I couldn't have put it better myself
I thought it was brilliantly phrased and yes i am in the middle
of finals, post to follow. My mom is a hoot, and of course she
has confidence in me to pass, but it was just funny how
she just got quiet and serious and thought, ok well lets think
negative until we hear otherwise. The said truth with law school
is that I am forced to think negative until i hear otherwise.
These professors are tough and the tests force me into the fetal
position and then I start cussing and ranting. My mother has
figured this behavior out obviously and I like that she is honest
with me and also funny at the same time.
Anyway, my mom is better than yours!
No my mom is way better than yours : )